It is time for the next ride, I am excited and look forward to the next challenge!
I thoroughly enjoy the drive, it is long but beautiful, especially Hells Canyon!
This is one of the places that I stop to get everyone out for rest and water.
I decided to bring Grace with me this time, and she was great, an awsome companion! It took us about 11 hours to drive, but I do stop to rest the weary!
I like to arrive to camp early, normally before anyone else. Buffy is leaning that it is ok to be the only horse in camp.
Here we are all set up, it took a while but I finally got it done. It was in the 90's, so I had to take a couple (lots) of rest periods..
While I set up camp, Buffy decided to take a nap. The corral is nice, but she is an escape artist, and I found out why, she lays on the corral and just steps over the panels. So, instead of taking the entire thing, I am only going to take three panels and let her stand tied to the trailer.
Carrie Johnson was the ride manager, and worked very hard to ensure we were comfortable and had a good time!
I do not have a camper or LQ horse trailer,
therefore I sleep in a tent which has some draw backs. Here are some friends that managed to keep Grace and I company in our tent, I really did not mind them, at least they did not slither!!!
I am however rethinking our sleeping arangements, and will create a nice bedroom in the back of the trailer, negating sleeping on the ground!
It is nice to have friends!!!!
Eventhough I have traveled this part of I-95 many times, I wanted to take these pictures....
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